How to Remove Mustard Stains on Clothing
If you’ve been wondering how to remove mustard stains on clothing, you’re in luck. Most types of cotton and polyester fabrics are suitable for this stain removal method. However, you should avoid using the method on wool, silk, or leather fabrics. This is because turmeric is used to dye clothing yellow. In addition to adding a yellow pigment to the fibers, the faster you can remove the stain, the better.

Dishwashing soap
One of the easiest ways to remove mustard stains is to use dishwashing detergent. However, you need to avoid using any kind of harsh cleaning product. You should avoid using washing soda, bleach, or bicarbonate of soda. Instead, use a gentle detergent and water solution to remove the mustard stain. Blot the stain by applying the detergent to a white cloth. If you are concerned that the mustard stain might be too stubborn to remove, you can also use a bleaching agent to remove it.
Hydrogen peroxide
If you have a mustard stain on a shirt or other piece of clothing, you should not give up hope. Fortunately, hydrogen peroxide is an effective stain remover. You can mix hydrogen peroxide in water, vinegar, or dish detergent to remove the stain. The hydrogen peroxide must not contain bleach. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until you get the desired result.
Reapplying mustard
If you can’t remove the stain on your clothing by blotting, try the following method: mix half a tablespoon of dish soap with a few drops of white vinegar. Apply this solution to the stained area and allow it to soak for five to ten minutes. After blotting, rinse with hot water. Another popular remedy for mustard stains involves mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water. To make this mixture, you’ll need a clean white cloth, a spoon, and some vinegar or alcohol.
Dry-clean only
To remove a mustard stain on a dry-clean only garment, use oxygen-based bleach in lukewarm water. Follow the instructions on the package to apply the bleach and leave on the clothing for up to four hours. Repeat the process if the stain is not completely removed. If you are unable to remove the stain with the above method, you can take the garment to a dry cleaner for assistance.

Dreft Stage 2: Active Baby Detergent
When you’re washing your baby’s clothes, you might have an unappealing stain – mustard! The color of mustard is bright yellow and can leave a yellow speck on the fabric. To get rid of the stain, you’ll need a high-quality detergent designed for babies. Luckily, Dreft Stage 2: Active Baby Detergent has you covered. This laundry detergent has a subtle fragrance and is safe for use with hot water.